Brian's gf Leighanne Wallace got in a fight with Britney Spears over the boys. Click here for the article.
Nick is dating Mandy Moore, a singer? Her website can be found at
Nick is dating Mandy Wilford (the boy likes the name Mandy!) Click to see a pic!
Nick is dating a girl he met in NYC named Natalie B
Brian and Leighanne broke up cause at the June13th concert he said something like, "I thank you from the bottom of my broken heart."
Nick is going out with a model named Brittany. In the Seventeen issue with James Van der beek on the cover, she is on the ad on either page 40 or 41. She is wearing a pale lilac dress and has brown hair.
Kevin has a new girlfriend, here's the pic.
Nick and Brian are lovers.
Nick and Brian are gay.
AJ is gay.
Nick got married in an airport in early December.
Nick is dating Brittany Spears.
Amanda Latona (AJ's girlfriend) is pregnant with his child.
AJ is dating Amanda Latona from Innosense.
*This no longer considered a rumour because both AJ and Amanda have admitted to it.
All the boys wax their chests.
Both Nick and AJ are dating girls from Innosense.
Brian is dating Leigh Anne Wallace
Kevin is dating the girl with curly blonde hair from ALAYLM
Nick is dating Leigh Anne Wallace's best friend
Howie is dating the girl who he bites in Everybody
AJ is dating their bosses' daughter
Nick and Brian's girlfriends are with them on the tour
Brian is no longer a virgin (it was Leigh Anne, what a big surprise!!)
Leigh Anne cheated on Brian several times!!!
The Backstreet Boys do heavy drugs (except Nick) AJ is the worst. He smoke 4-5 blunts a day just to perform.........
Brian is dating and/or engaged to Leigh Anne who is the blonde girl with him in the new INBYH video.
Kevin is dating their choreographer Fatima Robinson (the black lady in the Behind The Scenes video).
Kevin is not going out with Fatima, but is seeing one of Howie's sisters.
One of the BSB admitted to being gay on an interview
Nick has dyed his hair black!!!!
AJ has gotten a HUGE tattoo on his back
The boys are thinking of solo careers!!!!
Howie D. has cut his hair short (how it used to be).
Brian first mentioned that Kevin always patronizes him and the others and then he said: "I`m sure it`s his conviction that he as the oldest of the group has the responsibility that everything goes the right way. That`s the way Kev is. But I`m almost 24 years old and I really don`t need a Kevin who tells me what I have to do."
Nick is dating a 13 year-old Canadian girl named Ashley.
Nick has been quoted as saying "tattoos on women are very sexy"
AJ is getting a tattoo of a snake on his back and Nick is getting the sun tattoo on his back.
Christina Ricci is pregnant with Nick's baby!!!
Nick broke his arm jumping off stage in 1991.
Nick is a Mormon! (who cares?!)
Kevin is going to record a song with Mariah Carey.
The new BSB CD will be called Tender Love.
On the albums only AJ, Brian and Nick sing. Howie and Kevin are only in the group because they look good and do not sing a note!!!
Brian married a girl on April 26th in central California. The girl's name has not been released.
AJ got his nose pierced.
Howie has a belly button ring.
Nick collapsed at dance rehearsals in Germany so the boys had to cancel an appearance on German TV . Nick was in bed for three days.
Nick and Brian have REALLY good friends in Australia called Elle and Tammy.
Both Brian and Kevin have girlfriends in Tennessee and that the relationships are turning very serious!!!!!!
AJ and Nick are going out with 2 girls from Solid Harmonie.
Ashley e-mailed me to say that when the BSB are in St. Louis, she will get a kiss from Nick because they are getting married!!! Ashley, what colour is the sky in your world?
It was reported to me that when the BSB were in Toronto, Brian had just broken up with his girlfriend and that's why he looked so upset on the I&I on MuchMusic.
The BSB will be doing more cybercasts and chats this summer.
It was reported in a European magazine that Nick has a girlfriend in New York named Patricia and they see each other everytime he's there.
Nick is involved in a steamy love triangle with 2 Canadian girls!!!! Their names are Olivia and Laura. He has been spotted at many different places with them but the 2 girls, who are best friends, love him dearly and can not tell him that they are cheating on him so they plan to do it on Jerry Springer!!! I am trying to find out if and when, so stay tuned!
Nick has a passion for... GUMMY BEARS!!!
It was reported to me that at a recent concert, Nick was the only one wearing underwear!! ;)
Brian has a bald spot and he covers it with brown mousse
There is a video circulating of Brian stripping SWEET ;)
The dreds that AJ wore during the Saturday Night Live show were fake
Nick is getting married
Nick sleeps in the nude and sucks his thumb while sleeping :)
Howie is dating Fatima & Emma (baby Spice)
Kevin is married with 2 children
Brian has been in a serious car accident
A.J. has failed his drivers test 4 times
Nick has been beaten up severely by a rock group that also shaved his head!
A.J. was caught drinking before the show in Ottawa on January 2, 1998.
According to Nick, the BSB are all single and have a hard time finding girls to date!!!
Nick wanted a tattoo but his mom wouldn't let him.
Nick has a girlfriend in Morocco
Brian is married
A.J has a major crush on Gwen Stefani from No Doubt.
Nick said that Malaysian fans are ugly ,shallow ,and hairy.
Franny is not going out with Howie and Nick doesn't have a crush on her.
Howie and Franny are still dating, in fact they live together in a condo. Brian and Kevin lives there too!
A.J is dating Becky Broterston from the Pop Group Dynamiss
Nick bought a house in London for over 2 Million Dollars
The girl that Brian was with in the I'll Never Break Your Heart video is A.J's cousin Ashley, and the rest of the girls are her friends.
Kevin is jealous of the rest of the Backstreet Boys because they are singing more and getting more attention than him, and he is threatening to leave the group if they don't let him sing more.
Kevin was engaged with a girl when he was 18.
It has been officially confirmed that Brian will be having a surgery after their spring tour. After denying this rumour the official site has decided to tell the truth. The official site have stated that the surgery is 'nothing out of the ordinary, and people go through it everyday. It is nothing to be alarmed about. After a brief recuperation period Brian will rejoin the Backstreet Boys in July as they start touring the U.S.'
Brian and Nick will each release a solo album but will not leave the group
AJ is forming a new trio
Kevin signed a modelling contract with Tommy Hilfiger
Kevin is being offered a hefty sum of money to pose NUDE for Playgirl Magazine!
The band is breaking up and Nick is going solo
Nick is an uncle
Howie is dating the mayor of Orlando's daughter
Nick has an eating disorder
Lou Perlman is leaving the BSB management team.
It was either Lou or Nick. It seems that Nick's earlier problems were because of Lou and why he wanted to quit.
Now Lou is quitting and Nick is staying.
AJ wants to get his third tattoo on his left breast.
Nick will have 2 solo songs on the 3rd BSB album due out in October.